why technology needs coaching?

Technology Needs Coaching is a full-implementation service beginning with a needs assessment for your office and concludes with a suggested plan of implementation of technology. EducaTech will review your business offerings and will provide coaching to bring your department into alignment with division, university, and industry best-practices standards as it pertains to technology.

Sample Projects

Below we have identified some projects that fall within the Technology Needs Coaching service. This service is comprised of a needs assessment followed by coaching sessions to not only identify areas of growth for your department, but also provide coaching to bring you up to standard.

How do students make appointments with your staff? Is your website friendly for folks of all abilities? Do you consider when and where you host your workshops? How do you use technology to maximize the impact of your services? These are all questions we consider when gauging the Accessibility of your Services.

You understand how to use Microsoft 365 and/or Google Workspace, but how do you know what applications best support your department?

Education is a field that emphasizes using data to make decisions and to assess learning. Where is your department at when it comes to using technology to maximize your assessment initiatives?

You live and breathe the work of your department, which makes it easier to have an outsider review what you are doing to provide suggestions on how you can better align with your division, University, or industry standards.